Lego Universe Field Guide

This is a guide to all of the worlds in Lego Universe. It is currently still being written, so please come back later for all of the worlds!
The Lego Universe Field Guide
Basic information on all of the Lego Universe worlds

Table of Contents
Chapter 1-----------The Venture Explorer
Chapter 2-----------Avant Gardens
Chapter 3-----------Nimbus Station
Chapter 4-----------Pet Cove (coming soon)
Chapter 5-----------Gnarled Forest (coming soon)
Chapter 6 -----------Forbidden Valley (coming soon)
Chapter 7------------Crux Prime (coming soon)

The Venture Explorer

The Venture Explorer is the first world that players will see and interact with in Lego Universe. It is a spaceship that was destined to go to the source of imagination before it was attacked by the maelstrom. Now, Bob and Sky Lane are evacuating minifigures to Avant Gardens. It is on the Venture Explorer that you first receive your imagination from Bob, you build your first rocket, and you get your building hat.

Mission Summary:
In order to escape the Venture Explorer, you have to get your imagination from Bob. After you earn your imagination you are sent to see Sky Lane, who gives you a mission to collect rocket parts. Rocket parts are scattered around the Venture Explorer in multi-colored crates. Once you have a nose cone, cockpit, and engine, you can begin assembling it. Sky Lane gives you your building hat and you go to assemble your rocket. After you have built your rocket, you can escape! Launch your rocket on one of the pads leading out of the ship.

Important NPC’s:
·        Bob
·        Sky Lane

·        None

Popular Achievements:
·        Find all rocket parts for all rocket designs
·        Look through all of the binoculars
·        Read all message plaques
·        Unlock your imagination

Avant Gardens

Avant Gardens was once a lush, green world, until the destruction of the Paradox research facility. After the explosion, maelstrom invaded Avant Gardens. Two factions have been stationed here: Sentinel and Assembly. Sentinel has taken charge of keeping the maelstrom at bay, while Assembly finishes a monument to honor the battle for imagination. Avant Gardens features a medium sized battle field, a large construction zone (the monument), and a launch pad area where you can travel to Nimbus Station, the Block Yard, or return to the Venture Explorer. Also at the launch pad area is a weapon, clothing, and consumable vendor, along with a model vendor.

Mission Summary:
After escaping the Venture Explorer and landing safely in Avant Gardens you must talk to Wisp Lee, a Paradox researcher. He will tell you to go talk to Epsilon Starcracker, a Sentinel field agent. Epsilon Starcracker will give you a number of missions and items, including your first weapon (your choice of short-sword, spear, or hammer). After you try out your weapon, you must smash 10 Stromlings and then go see Commander Beck. Commander Beck gives you another mission in the field to destroy and rebuild five robots into turrets. He also gives you your first armor piece and you must buy a Sentinel shield from the vendor nearby. With the Sentinel shield, he teaches you how to use different abilities and you are free to move onto the monument. An optional mission here is to race up the mountain and try to get first, second, third place trophies based on your time. You will then visit Sky Lane in the launch area and she will (most importantly) give you a mission to visit the faction recruiter in Nimbus Station.

Important NPC’s:
·         Epsilon Starcracker
·         Melodie Foxtrot
·         Commander Beck
·         Fitz Vanderbuilt
·         Theo Balfour
·         Wisp Lee
·         Rusty Steele
·         Vector Longview
·         Kit Wanderware
·         Sky Lane
·         Oliver Sudden
·         Crash Helmut

·         Stromling
·         Maelstrom-Infected Robot
·         Dark Spiderling

Popular Achievements:
·         Collect all flags
·         Read all message plaques
·         Paradox Protector medal
·         Look through all binoculars

Nimbus Station

Nimbus Station is the center of Lego Universe and is also a place where you can join a faction. There are launch pads to every world here, A Nimbus Station Race Place, and a gateway to a ship that will be able to fly through the Maelstrom (not yet completed). This world also features a large stage where you can use your imagination to play instruments such as the electric guitar, drums, piano, and bass guitar. The center circle in the middle of Nimbus Station is a hot spot for new comers and veterans to trade gear, talk, and play.

Mission Summary:
Once in Nimbus Station, your main goal is to join a faction. After you have chosen from Sentinel, Paradox, Venture, and Assembly, you can access many new missions there. Some require you to go to different worlds and collect items or smash enemies while others give you a mission to do something in Nimbus Station. There isn’t much of a storyline factor in Nimbus Station other than the fact that it is where the factions set up recruitment, and it has launch pads to all worlds.

All NPC’s:
■Autumn Helix
■Bjorn Fjord
■Bruno Underbite
■Cecil Eyetwitch
■Dee Dee Light
■Dirk Manleigh
■DJ Studd
■Dominic Knack
■Ellgren Stackwell
■Farnham Spoon
■Green Brockley
■Johnny Thunder
■Kant Dance
■Krista Clear
■Kurt Tussle
■Leroy Duddsmith
■Leland Hammertoe
■Logan Moonshot
■Ludwig Clutchburn
■Madison Growl
■Magnus Bumperdent
■Mardolf the Orange
■Meldric Steamvalve
■Milo Snackpigeon
■Nexus Jay
■Peppy Slapbiscuit
■Rad Eccles
■Silas Penumbra
■Skee Daddle
■Softie Cushion
■Velocity Lane
■Xeno Blueblade

·        None

Popular Achievements
·        Collect all flags
·        Look through all binoculars
·        Read all message plaques
·        Nimbus Station Achiever
