Monday, April 4, 2011

Official Valiant Weapons!

Some of you may remember the post on "Ultimate Lego Universe Weapons!" where I gave you the link and the club code to see concept art for the two-handed weapons. I was recently told by a friend (his username is smashed, look for him on LU) that some official information has been extracted from the game files and posted on Lego Universe Wiki. All of the information that I am about to share was taken from the Lego Universe Wiki site. You can also expect some new faction kits that are going to be really awesome, although not much information has been released on them. One thing that I find a little unfair is that the Space Marauder "Chaingunnar" seems a little overpowered compared to others. Take a look at its stats.

Here they are!


Name: The Powerjouster
Combo: 3+4+4
Offhand Skill: Charge forward, doing 7 damage and knocking down enemies you strike.
Charge Up: Hurl lance and deal 5 damage to enemies in front of you.

Name: The Samuraizor
Combo: 3+3+4
Offhand Skill: Create a target dummy that attacks nearby enemies
Charge-Up: Spin around, doing 10 damage to nearby enemies

Space Ranger:
Name: The Power Spork
Combo: Unknown
Offhand Skill: Unknown
Charge-Up: Unknown


Space Marauder:
Name: The Chaingunnar
Combo: 6 (impressive!)
Offhand Skill: Create a mech that does 4 damage to enemies
Charge-Up: Hold down attack to do 2 damage every half second (4 damage per second!)

Name: The Doomslicer
Combo: 3+3+4
Offhand Skill: Summon a spiderling that does 3 damage to enemies
Charge-Up: Spin around doing 8 damage to nearby enemies

Name: The Nightslasher
Combo: Unknown
Offhand Skill: Unknown
Charge-Up: Unkown


Name: The Serratorizer
Combo: 3+3+4
Offhand Skill: Deploy a bot quick build that will fight for the player using 4 damage projectiles.
Charge-Up: Spin around doing 3 pulses of 5 damage to nearby enemies

Name: The Wingreaper
Combo: 3+4+4
Offhand Skill: Summon 3 owls that attack enemies and do 2 damage
Charge-Up: Knock back enemies in front of you

Name: The Bug Zapper
Combo: Unknown
Offhand Skill: Unknown
Charge-Up: Unknown

Venture League

Name: The Broadsider
Combo: 3+4+4
Offhand Skill: Create a schooner that rams a nearby enemy for 7 damage
Charge-Up: Create a flock of parrots that does 7 damage in front of you

Name: The Rutcarver
Damage: 3+3+4
Offhand Skill: Rush forward and deal 6 damage to enemies
Charge-Up: Spin around doing 2 pulses of 5 damage to nearby enemies

Name: The Asp Kicker (Seriously, no joke.)
Damage: Unknown
Offhand Skill: Unknown
Charge-Up: Unknown

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